Customer / mandatory information
Customer / mandatory information
Customer information
General terms and conditions
Price list
Information on out-of-court dispute resolution/ombudsman proceedings
Application for Conduct of Administrative Proceedings in Case of Rejection of an Application for Conclusion of a Basic Account Agreement (Section 48 of the Payment Accounts Act)
Declaration of confirmation in accordance with Section 2 (1) no. 18 b) of the Ordinance on the Investment of the Security Assets of Pension Funds, Death Benefit Funds and Small Insurance Companies (Investment Ordinance – AnlV)
Mandatory information according to the ZKG:
Internationales Bankhaus Bodensee AG does not offer payment accounts for consumers within the meaning of the ZKG, which is why this mandatory information is not required.
More information about your account
Glossary of services associated with a payment account
Rights for payments within Europe
Other compulsory information
Productive account interface for third party payment service providers
The Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz, ZAG) §§ 45, 48, 50 requires account-holding payment service providers to provide regulated access (XS2A) for third-party card issuers, payment initiation service providers, and account information service providers to online accessible payment accounts in accordance with PSD2 as of Sept. 14, 2019.
The implementation at our institute is based on the Berlin Group NextGen specification via our technical service provider Atruvia AG. Productive use of the interface in live operation will be possible from 14.06.2019.
Für bankfachliche Fragen steht Ihnen in unserem Institut Nicola Liebig, Gruppe Finanzen (, zur Verfügung.
Further technical details and information on accessing the interface are available from our service provider at