Complaint Management

Complaint Management

Our complaint process

Our goal is to provide you with products and services that meet your expectations and standards. Your satisfaction is our highest aspiration.

If you are still not satisfied, please let us know. Because this is the only way we can learn from them and avoid mistakes in the future.

Our complaint management follows simple, comprehensible steps. We will keep you informed in a timely and transparent manner.

How to reach us

You can contact us with your complaint through various channels:


  • Your account manager will act as a direct point of contact to follow up on any questions, concerns or complaints you raise.
  • You can also send your concerns directly to our complaints management team at, tel. 07541/304 364.

We need this information from you

The more precisely you describe to us the facts that have upset you, the faster and more effectively we can resolve your concern. We ask that you provide the following information:

  • Time at which your concern occurred,
  • Account number, product and/or service to which your complaint relates,
  • Phone number, e-mail address,
  • Description of the concern and how you as our customer are affected.

If you do not have all the information, please simply explain the situation as precisely as possible.

Has a solution perhaps already been proposed to you? Then please tell us by whom and how it looked like.

What you can expect

We will deal with your complaint immediately, confirm receipt, check it and give you prompt feedback within 15 working days. This does not apply to legal cases or claims that we receive via a lawyer.

Do you have any queries about your complaint in the meantime? You can contact our complaints management team on 07541/304-364 or by e-mail at beschwerde(at)

In the case of securities consulting

If your complaint relates to securities advice, we are obliged to report it to our supervisory authority, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

For this reason, please tell us when and by whom the investment advice complained about was provided.

Neutral arbitration bodies

Out-of-court dispute resolution and other complaint options


Ombudsman procedure

The Bank participates in the dispute resolution procedure of the Federal Association of German Public Sector Banks (hereinafter abbreviated to: VÖB). For the settlement of disputes with the Bank, it is therefore possible for private customers, corporate customers (in the case of payment transaction issues) and, in the case of rejection of an application to conclude a basic account agreement for non-customers, to call upon the ombudsman of the VÖB ( Further details are governed by the Rules of Procedure for the Arbitration of Customer Complaints in the VÖB area, which are available on request and can also be accessed on the VÖB website (see above). The complaint must be submitted in text form (for example, by letter, fax or e-mail) to the Federal Association of German Public Sector Banks, VÖB, Customer Complaints Office, P.O. Box 110272,10832 Berlin, Tel. (030) 8192-295, Fax (030) 8192-299, e-Mail: ombudsmann(at)


European ODR platform

If the subject matter of the complaint concerns a dispute from the scope of application of payment services law (Sections 675c to 676c of the Civil Code, Article 248 of the Introductory Act to the Civil Code, Section 48 of the Payment Accounts Act and provisions of the Payment Services Supervision Act), it is also possible to file a complaint with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. The Rules of Procedure are available from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority ( The address is: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Graurheindorfer Strasse 108, 53117 Bonn. It is also possible to file a complaint directly with the bank. The Bank will respond to complaints in text form (e.g. by letter, fax or e-mail). The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (so-called ODR platform) at ( In addition, there is the possibility of filing a civil lawsuit.