Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

A year in figures

A financial year consists of so many individual days and each day consists of new efforts and initiatives. Some of them are successful. Some are not. Ideas become projects and projects become successes. And then, at the end of the year, you look back at what you have achieved and try to make it tangible. Figures are one way of presenting a year. But you must never forget: You only know what really happened if you know the stories behind it.

0 %

(+10,7 %)

Equity ratio


Mio. EUR (+3,8 %)

Own funds


Million EUR

Volume of receivables acquired and managed


Mio. EUR (+25,0 %)

Total investment volume
Private Banking


Mio. EUR (+42,0 %)

Operating result before risk assessment


Million EUR

Balance sheet total


Mio. EUR (+21,6%)

Net interest and commission income


Million EUR

Net income


Million EUR

Operating result before taxes
(before fund for general banking risks, Section 340g HGB)

The people behind


Female employees







Flexibility ensures stability

2023 from the perspective of the IBB Executive Board.

When the IBB Executive Board team, Heike Kemmner and Stephan Waiblinger, reflect on the year 2023, you will wait in vain for the moaning and lamenting that is otherwise common in business. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, because there is not much to moan about. IBB has – once again – managed to buck the general trend and put in a very respectable financial year. Secondly, because the bank lives by a philosophy that sees opportunity in everything. “You have to use even negative influences in a positive way – as an opportunity for new ideas!” is how Heike Kemmner puts it. But one thing at a time…

Board of Directors

Heike Kemmner
Member of the Board

Market (Private Banking, Corporate Clients, Sports Finance and Commercial Real Estate Clients)

Stephan Waiblinger
Member of the Board

Back office (risk management, corporate management, credit)

Digital Annual Report 2023

Annual report 2023 as download (English language)

View the 2023 annual report online (English language)

Disclosure Report 2023 as download (German Language)