Not a bank like any other.
No offer like any other.

Not a bank like any other.
No offer like any other.

Sebastian Hausmann

Department Director
Private Banking Constance

+49 151 27602467

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    Our offers for you

    We have two exclusive options for you to invest larger sums securely and with high returns.

    Discover our other offers too:



    No fixed term
    Available on request after 39 days
    From € 150,000.00
    Variable interest rate
    Currently 3.353% p.a.
    (Interest is adjusted monthly on the 1st of each month)

    This offer is limited until 12 May 2024.



    Term 1 year
    From € 150,000.00

    Fixed interest rate
    3.50% p. a.

    This offer is limited until 12 May 2024.